How we worship

How we worship


The beating heart of our life together is worship, where we are gathered by the Spirit tohear God’s Good News and be fed with grace. In this time of pandemic and physical distancing, our worship remains centered on the proclamation of God’s Word and the assurance that “God is With Us” no matter where we are or the circumstances around us. Our worship life is rooted in the rich, liturgical celebrations of the church, permeated with outstanding music, and celebrated with imagination and awe. In worship we find community, refreshment, and the joy of sharing time, creativity, and resources with others.  

Worshipping online during this time has made this challenging but we encourage a vibrant online interaction and offer several in-person times for worship. Children are welcomed into our worship life and participate in a number of ways, but a staffed nursery is available when we return to full in-person worship. When Holy Communion is offered, all who come with an open hand of faith are welcome to receive the grace God offers in this meal. As we go out singing our final song, we are sent into the world to love and serve others.  

Upcoming Events

May 27,2024
May 28,2024
May 28,2024